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Thursday, July 29 2010, 4:50 pm EST

Karma: 9
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And now that I think of it, you should really learn how to clean up your desktop!

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Thursday, July 29 2010, 4:53 pm EST

Age: 31
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after the second arrow that you hit in that checkpoint, it's either impossible or really hard to dodge the arrows that come back up. Either remove some of the spikes on the left or right so you can go there and dodge it, or try changing this:
xxzxxxxxxxxxxm /mx xxxw  w xxxxxm  xxv  m <xxxxxxxxm m  xxxxx|xxx  x|k  xxxxxxxx ^|^wxx
xxzxxxwwxxxwxxxkxx wxw     wxxxxx  xw  xz  wxxxxxxxx x =wxxx|xxxw  x|k  wxxxxxxxm ^  xx
xxzxxw  wxw wxw xx o m      xxxxxm x  xx+x^ xxxxxxxx wm  xxx|xxx  oxx||  xxxxxxxx  m xx
into this:
xxzxxxxxxxxxxm /mx xxxw  w xxxxxm  xxv  m <xxxxxxxxm m  xxxxx|xxx  x|k  xxxxxxxx ^|^wxx
xxzxxxwwxxxwxxxkxx wxw     wxxxxx  xw  xz  wxxxxxxxx x =wxxx|xxxw  x|k  wxxxxxxxm |  xx
xxzxxw  wxw wxw xx o m      xxxxxm x  xx+x^ xxxxxxxx wm  xxx|xxx  oxx||  xxxxxxxx ^m xx
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Thursday, July 29 2010, 4:57 pm EST

Karma: 108
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Just stay in the middle, and when the arrows on the side pass you, just move to the left. It's easy. (or maybe that's because my computer is slow)
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Thursday, July 29 2010, 5:00 pm EST

Age: 31
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yeah, that is definitely not easy. Putting something hard like that is just bad level design, in my opinion.
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Thursday, July 29 2010, 5:08 pm EST

Karma: 108
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Uploaded the fixed one (without checkpoint) on chipschallenge. I should really manage my test accounts and stuff.
DeathBunni X
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Thursday, July 29 2010, 5:45 pm EST
Eww, school.

Age: 26
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Hey can anyone test out mine? I'm expanding a cave I started but never finished.

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Friday, July 30 2010, 1:34 am EST

Karma: 108
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Which account is it on?
DeathBunni X
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Friday, July 30 2010, 11:43 am EST
Eww, school.

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Deathbunnix (my new neopets)

DeathBunni X
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Saturday, July 31 2010, 3:44 pm EST
Eww, school.

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K rawr is completely done

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Saturday, July 31 2010, 3:56 pm EST

Karma: 108
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'Livio' said:
yeah, that is definitely not easy. Putting something hard like that is just bad level design, in my opinion.

Wait, I don't think the one on montrealmetro is possible. The one that my dear sister posted should be uploaded and tested. Good night.
[?] Karma: 0 | Quote - Link
Thursday, October 8 2015, 7:22 pm EST

Karma: 121
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I can't find a way to run HATPC on my computer yet, so could someone please test out these cave codes for me instead?

E: Testing is no longer needed. Go play the levels here and here!
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Saturday, October 8 2016, 7:28 pm EST
The Shepherd

Age: 23
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Anyone down to test the cave up on "krotomoto"?

terrain 1
background 1
water clear
.                                o             m                m          oooom              .
.                  x       km> > =             x       v><     mx         koooox m m          .
.            m     x   > >v=x                 mx               xx >  mm>>|koooxw wmw   m      .
.            x     x        x                 xx               xx    xxxxkkooxx m w    x      .
.       m    x"   >    ^  >^x                 xx               xx     xxw  oxxw x oooooxo  o  .
.       x    x"  m   ===    k                 xxm    m >     | xx  mx      xx  mx oooooxk  =  .
.       x    x"  x o x ===  |^  ===m   xx=    xxx    x       | wx  xxxx       mxx ooooox|     .
.       x>       w k x>    mw| vk ox   xx     xxxm   x       |     xxxxx===xx xxx |||||||> v  .
.      >wk   k   x   w    =x    ===    xx     xxxx   xm  m  k||||||xxxxx   xx xxx      x  x   .
.    ==xx=====  xx=      mmx   ^       xw   + xxxx   xx  x  xxxxxx^x  wxm  wxbxxx"     x  x^  .
.      x|       xxm      xxx===            ===xxxx   xx= x  xxxxxxx    xxxm w xxw" === x  w   .
. ===  x        xxx mo   xxxvvv vvv           xxxx   xx    =xxw xw      xxxm  xx " m          .
.   o kx        xxx xb   xox||| w|wm   <|<    xxxx   xx     xxo x         xxm  x   x  =x=x==k .
.   > =x  ==    xxx x    xowk      xx         wxxx   wx=    xk= w <     v  xxx     xm  xmx=== .
.      x        xxx x     x        xx          wxx    xm    xb    |   +    xxx>   vxx mxwx    .
.     mx            x     xk       xx           xx    xx    x     |   x=    xxxxxx xxmww      .
.     xxmm      /   x     x|                    xx    xx == x    m|   x       xxxx^xxxm  x=== .
.     xxww  ====xx  wk     k   o   v            xw    xx    x    |  m x   k   <xxxxxxxx  x    .
.  ===xx >      xxm==kxxxxxk|[= =x=m=xx=m======       xx   kx    |  |>  ^kk    x    wxx  xm   .
.>   v w^>     bw<x  kxxxxwkm    x w xxmwmk  m        xxv <= === | "|   <|k    x     wx  xx   m
.b   |mxxkxx==== xx  o o okkxm ^ m ><xxx xx  x        wx^xxxx    | "|    |k    w      x  wxm  x
.   mwwxxw       xx  o o o kxx o x  xxxx xx  xxxx==    xxx xxmxxx  "| k  |k=kkk  o    x   xxm x
. ==|= x     x   xx  x xmx kxxm  x  xxxx   ==xxxw      xx  xxxxxw  "| | <|k kkk o|k|k xx  xxxmx
.  |k|      |x  xxx mx xxkmkxxx  x  wxxx     xx         x =x   w   "| | k|k |kk |k|   xxx xxxxx
.  |k|    || xk     xx  >|xkxxx     k   v    xw            x   k   "| k k|k k|k |k|   xwx xxxwx
. |kk| m= v v k     xv  xxxk|xx mxxxkxxx     x      x          |  <"| x k|k=kk| |k| kkw x  xx w
.kxx x||  <>< <     x   wxxk |x|xxxxkxxx xxxmw     xx       /  k ^| | x k|k kkk |k| kk  xx xw .
== wxxxxxmxx^xxxxxxxwxxx=  =  |xwx wk  w^w xx      xx=====xxxxxxx |  xx>k|k ==k |k| ==    >   v
.   wxxxxw w=wxxxxxw xx      >      > < =          xx     wxxxxxx|   xxxk|k   = |k|k||k       .
.    xxxx=    wxxw   wx      tx     =             xxw      xxxxxxx|| xxxxx|||||m|k|k|k|       .
.    xxxx             w      xx                 ===x       xxxxxxxxx^xxxxx|^^^x|xk|k|k|       <
.    xxxxv       <  k        xw                    wo     mxxxxxxxxxxxxxwxx^xxxxxxx|xxxxx======
.    xxxw           k />     w                    m k    xxxxxxxxxw  xxw  wxxxxxxxxxxxw       .
.    wxx    m      ooox                        #  x      xxxxxxxxw   wx    wxxxwxxxxw         .
.      x    xm    xooox                      ==xxxxm   mxxxxxxxxx     x     xxw xxxw          .
.          mxx    xooox       m     xx==       wxxxx   xxxxxxw        w     wx   xx           .
m          xxx    xxoxx       |    xxxm          wxx mxxxxxxw                w   xw       === .
x +        xxxm   xk=xxm     m|    xxxx           xw xxxxw                       x            .
x===       xxxx  ^|| <xx     |k     w   mxx       w  xx                   +      x    ===     .
xm  =/=/=/=xxxx  xxxv|w      xx ==xxm   xxx==        xw                   =                   .
xx  |k|k|k|xxxx mxxx|w      <xx   xxx   xxx          x                    =                <  .
xx=x       xxxx xxx          xx  mxxx   xxx          x                    >     <             .
xxmx>    @  wxxmwxx          xx  xxxx   wxx     k    w                    =     <         <   .
xxxx         xxx xxm         xx  xxxx=   xx    xxxxxx      m            m     mmxx===         .
xxxw       k!xxxmxxx         xx  xxxx    xx      xxxxxxm   xm     o    mx    mxxxx            .
xxx       >==xxxxxxx       kkxw  xxxxm   xxx      xxxxxxxxxxx    ===   xx   xxxxxxm           .
xkkk       @xxxxxxxx=xxxxxx==x   wxxxx   xxx      wxxxxxxxxxx=         wx   wxxxxxx  <        .
x@@@     k =xxxxxxx > w vxx  x    xxxx   xxw   ==xxxxxxxxxxxx           xm      xxw  =        .
x@@@^    k^vxxxxxxx  xx@ xx  x    xxxx  xx        xxxxxxxxxxx           xx      >wm  k <      .
x=xxxxx===/^xxxxxxx ^  @/xx  k    xxxx  xw        xxxxxxxxxwx o         xx    ==|mw      m    .
x@xxxxxxxx  xxxxxxx    @@@k      mxxxw  x         xxxxxxxxw x=x===xx    xx      >wm o^   x    .
x xxxxxxxx  xxx..xxx^  </ w  <   xxxx       ==     wxxxxw         xx    ox    ==|mw =    x^   .
x@xxxxxxxx  xxx    wx==xx k  xxxxxxxw               xwxx                 x      >w     ^ x    .
x=xxwxxxxx^  x      k  wxm   xxxxxxx                  xx       k         x    ==|             .
x@ x  xxxx   x      k| @xx   xxxxxxx                       =xx ==        x      >             .
x  x  wxxx     =x=   |xxxx   xxxxxxx======                  xxxxmxxx===xxx  =xxxxxxxo         .
x @    xxx      |     xxxx   xxxxxxx    m                   xxxxxxwx   xw    xxxxxxxxxxxxx=====
xxx== >  w     |km    xxxx   xxxxxxx    xx          D        xw    w o x       wxxxxxxxxxw ^/^.
xxxm     x   ==xko    xxxx   xxxxxxxb   xx=======xxxxxxxxx   x     xxxmx        xxxxwxxxx     .
xxxxm    x     xxx=== wxxx   xxxxxxxk   xxm      xxxxxxxxxx         xxxx==       xxw xxxx     .
xxxxx          xxx     xxx  mxxxxxxxk  xxxx      wxxxxxxxxx                            xx   ^ .
xxxxx          xxx          xxxxxxxxx mxxxx g     xxxxxxxxx                            k      .
xxxxxkk=====xxxxxxx         xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx===xxxmxxxxxxxxxx    x             x==      k      .
xxxxxxx     xxxxxxxx  m   mmxxxxxxxxxxxxxxw   xxxxxxxxxxxxxx===xxxxxxxxxxx^   x>       k      .
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ^xmmmxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxw    wxxxxxxxxxxxxw   xxxxxxxxxxxzzzzz=  xxxxxx=======
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx      xxxxxxxxxxxx    wxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxm     .
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx      wxxxxxxxxxxx     xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx     .
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Saturday, October 8 2016, 9:18 pm EST

Age: 29
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I liked what I managed to play of it. I only got the two treasures on the right side of the cave (not in same attempt). No complaints about the bottom right section. Just some stuff that seemed pointless. Like the secret areas at the bottom, or the rightmost up arrow in the bottom right room. I never needed the secret areas, and the that right arrow just breaks a platform in the top right section. Are they just red herrings, or is there some crazy backtracking which I didn't get to? They don't make the level worse though. The timing of the first trap in the top right section was a bit tight, nothing unmanageable, but I could see more sensitive HATPC players not liking it. The timing of everything else in that area is fine.

The timing is too tight in the bottom left water section. I was never able to hit that underwater up arrow, make it to the platform, and jump before the 2nd set of water crates were hit. The furthest I got in the upper right section was the trap where you hit the dynamite crate to the left. That was only after I added an extra up arrow as shown below
terrain 1
background 1
water clear
.                                o             m                m          oooo               .
.                  x       km> > =             x       v><     mx         koooox              .
.            m     x   > >v=x                 mx               xx >  mm>>|koooxw       m      .
.            x     x        x                 xx               xx    xxxxkkooxx m      x      .
.       m    x"   >    ^  >^x                 xx               xx     xxw  oxxw x oooooxo  o  .
.       x    x"  m   ===    k                 xx     m >     | xx  mx      xx  mx oooooxk  =  .
.       x    x"  x o x ===  |^  ===    xx=    xx     x       | wx  xxxx       mxx ooooox|     .
.       x>       w k x>    mw| v       xx     xxxx   x       |     xxxxx===xx xxx |||||||> v  .
.      >wk   k   x   w    =x           xx     xxxx   xm  m  k||||||xxxxx   xx xxx      x  x   .
.    ==xx=====  xx=      mmx   ^k o    xw   + xxxx   xx  x  xxxxxx^x  wxm  wxbxxx"     x  x^  .
.      x|       xxm      xxx=== ===        ===xxxx   xx= x  xxxxxx     xxxm w xxw" === x  w   .
. ===  x        xxx mo   xxxvvv vvv           xxxx   xx    =xxw xw      xxxm  xx " m          .
.   o kx        xxx xb   xox||| w|wm   <|<    xxxx   xx     xxo x         xxm  x   x  =x=x==k .
.   > =x  ==    xxx x    xowk      xx         wxxx   wx=    xk= w <     v  xxx     xm  xmx=== .
.      x        xxx x     x        xx          wxx    xm    xb    |   +    xxx>   vxx mxwx    .
.     mx            x     xk       xx           xx    xx    x     |   x=    xxxxxx xxmww      .
.     xxmm      /   x     x|                    xx    xx == x    m|   x       xxxx^xxxm  x=== .
.     xxww  ====xx  wk     k   o   v            xw    xx    x    |  m x   k   <xxxxxxxx  x    .
.  ===xx >      xxm==kxxxxxk|[= =x=m=xx=m======       xx   kx    |  |>  ^kk    x    wxx  xm   .
.>   v w^>     bw<x  kxxxxwkm    x w xxmwmk  m        xxv <= === | "|   <|k    x     wx  xx   m
.b   |mxxkxx==== xx  o o okkxm ^ m ><xxx xx  x        wx^xxxx    | "|    |k    w      x  wxm  x
.   mwwxxw       xx  o o o kxx o x  xxxx xx  xxxx==    xxx xxmxxx  "| k  |k=kkk  o    x   xxm x
. ==|= x     x   xx  x xmx kxxm  x  xxxx   ==xxxw      xx  xxxxxw  "| | <|k kkk o|k|k xx  xxxmx
.  |k|      |x  xxx mx xxkmkxxx  x  wxxx     xx         x =x   w   "| | k|k |kk |k|   xxx xxxxx
.  |k|    || xk     xx  >|xkxxx     k   v    xw            x   k   "| k k|k k|k |k|   xwx xxxwx
. |kk| m= v v k     xv  xxxk|xx mxxxkxxx     x      x          |  <"| x k|k=kk| |k| kkw x  xx w
.kxx x||  <>< <     x   wxxk |x|xxxxkxxx xxxmw     xx       /  k ^| | x k|k kkk |k| kk  xx xw .
== wxxxxxmxx^xxxxxxxwxxx=  =  |xwx wk  w^w xx      xx=====xxxxxxx |  xx>k|k ==k |k| ==    >   v
.   wxxxxw w=wxxxxxw xx      >      > < =          xx     wxxxxxx|   xxxk|k   = |k|k||k       .
.    xxxx=    wxxw   wx      tx     =             xxw      xxxxxxx|| xxxxx|||||m|k|k|k|       .
.    xxxx             w      xx                 ===x       xxxxxxxxx^xxxxx|^^^x|xk|k|k|       <
.    xxxxv       <  k        xw                    wo     mxxxxxxxxxxxxxwxx^xxxxxxx|xxxxx======
.    xxxw           k />     w                    m k    xxxxxxxxxw  xxw  wxxxxxxxxxxxw       .
.    wxx    m      ooox                        #  x      xxxxxxxxw   wx    wxxxwxxxxw         .
.      x    xm    xooox                      ==xxxxm   mxxxxxxxxx     x     xxw xxxw          .
.          mxx    xooox       m     xx==       wxxxx   xxxxxxw        w     wx   xx           .
m          xxx    xxoxx       |    xxxm          wxx mxxxxxxw                w   xw       === .
x +        xxxm   xk=xxm     m|    xxxx           xw xxxxw                       x            .
x===       xxxx  ^|| <xx     |k     w   mxx       w  xx                   +      x    ===     .
xm  =/=/=/=xxxx  xxxv|w      xx ==xxm   xxx==        xw                   =                   .
xx  |k|k|k|xxxx mxxx|w      <xx   xxx   xxx          x                    =                <  .
xx=x       xxxx xxx          xx  mxxx   xxx          x                    >     <             .
xxmx>    @  wxxmwxx          xx  xxxx   wxx     k    w                    =     <         <   .
xxxx         xxx xxm         xx  xxxx=   xx    xxxxxx      m            m     mmxx===         .
xxxw       k!xxxmxxx         xx  xxxx    xx      xxxxxxm   xm     o    mx    mxxxx            .
xxx       >==xxxxxxx       kkxw  xxxxm   xxx      xxxxxxxxxxx    ===   xx   xxxxxxm           .
xkkk       @xxxxxxxx=xxxxxx==x   wxxxx   xxx      wxxxxxxxxxx=         wx   wxxxxxx  <        .
x@@@     k =xxxxxxx > w vxx  x    xxxx   xxw   ==xxxxxxxxxxxx           xm      xxw  =        .
x@@@^    k^vxxxxxxx  xx@ xx  x    xxxx  xx        xxxxxxxxxxx           xx      >wm  k <      .
x=xxxxx===/^xxxxxxx ^  @/xx  k    xxxx  xw        xxxxxxxxxwx o         xx    ==|mw      m    .
x@xxxxxxxx  xxxxxxx    @@@k      mxxxw  x         xxxxxxxxw x=x===xx    xx      >wm o^   x    .
x xxxxxxxx  xxx..xxx^  </ w  <   xxxx       ==     wxxxxw         xx    ox    ==|mw =    x^   .
x@xxxxxxxx  xxx    wx==xx k  xxxxxxxw               xwxx                 x      >w     ^ x    .
x=xxwxxxxx^  x      k  wxm   xxxxxxx                  xx       k         x    ==|             .
x@ x  xxxx   x      k| @xx   xxxxxxx                       =xx ==        x      >             .
x  x  wxxx     =x=   |xxxx   xxxxxxx======                  xxxxmxxx===xxx  =xxxxxxxo         .
x @    xxx      |     xxxx   xxxxxxx    m                   xxxxxxwx   xw    xxxxxxxxxxxxx=====
xxx== >  w     |km    xxxx   xxxxxxx    xx          D        xw    w o x       wxxxxxxxxxw ^/^.
xxxm     x   ==xko    xxxx   xxxxxxxb   xx=======xxxxxxxxx   x     xxxmx        xxxxwxxxx     .
xxxxm    x     xxx=== wxxx   xxxxxxxk   xxm      xxxxxxxxxx         xxxx==       xxw xxxx     .
xxxxx          xxx     xxx  mxxxxxxxk  xxxx      wxxxxxxxxx                            xx   ^ .
xxxxx          xxx          xxxxxxxxx mxxxx g     xxxxxxxxx                            k      .
xxxxxkk=====xxxxxxx         xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx===xxxmxxxxxxxxxx    x             x==      k      .
xxxxxxx     xxxxxxxx  m   mmxxxxxxxxxxxxxxw   xxxxxxxxxxxxxx===xxxxxxxxxxx^   x>       k      .
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ^xmmmxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxw    wxxxxxxxxxxxxw   xxxxxxxxxxxzzzzz=  xxxxxx=======
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx      xxxxxxxxxxxx    wxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxm     .
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx      wxxxxxxxxxxx     xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx     .
I beat that trap a few times before editing it in, but way too inconsistently imo

COMING SOON: A giant meteor. Please.
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Saturday, October 8 2016, 11:03 pm EST
The Shepherd

Age: 23
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Like the secret areas at the bottom, or the rightmost up arrow in the bottom right room. I never needed the secret areas, and the that right arrow just breaks a platform in the top right section. Are they just red herrings, or is there some crazy backtracking which I didn't get to?

The secret area was so you could hit the arrow from beneath instead of having to hit it from the top, which I thought was awkward. The arrow is not red herring, though it has nothing to do with beating the level.

I was never able to hit that underwater up arrow, make it to the platform, and jump before the 2nd set of water crates were hit.

You're not supposed to hit the up arrow there, you're meant to hit it later. I know it's a problem though, atvelonis ran into confusion there too. I'm not really sure how to fix that without having to rework the entire area so that the water levels would still work properly, though. :/

That was only after I added an extra up arrow as shown below

Good suggestion, I added it in.
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Saturday, October 8 2016, 11:38 pm EST

Age: 29
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I considered that with the secret area, but I think it connecting to the right arrow led me to think I was missing something. I'll take your word on the other right arrow-- there were a couple other discrepancies I saw throughout the level that I assumed were related to the mysteries gem, so I guess that one is too.

Got the bottom left treasure. I think I tried before to see if the area was still beatable without hitting the arrow, but you don't always make the jump from the water to those platforms on your first try, so I think that threw me off. Beat the rest of that section without much trouble.

Never beat the upper left section. I got to that part where the boulder falls onto the platform with the metal crate and the boulder you have to push off. It doesn't seem impossible, but I'm just making a lot of stupid deaths so I'm stopping for the night.

COMING SOON: A giant meteor. Please.
Give me +karma. Give me +karma.
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Saturday, October 8 2016, 11:57 pm EST

Karma: 450
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The top right treasure can be cheated. After the highlighted dynamite is destroyed you can just fall right and get the treasure.
terrain 1
background 1
water clear
.                                o             m                m          oooo               .
.                  x       km> > =             x       v><     mx         koooox              .
.            m     x   > >v=x                 mx               xx >  mm>>|koooxw       m      .
.            x     x        x                 xx               xx    xxxxkkooxx m      x      .
.       m    x"   >    ^  >^x                 xx               xx     xxw  oxxw x oooooxo  o  .
.       x    x"  m   ===    k                 xx     m >     | xx  mx      xx  mx oooooxk  =  .
.       x    x"  x o x ===  |^  ===    xx=    xx     x       | wx  xxxx       mxx ooooox|     .
.       x>       w k x>    mw| v       xx     xxxx   x       |     xxxxx===xx xxx |||||||> v  .
.      >wk   k   x   w    =x           xx     xxxx   xm  m  k||||||xxxxx   xx xxx      x  x   .
.    ==xx=====  xx=      mmx   ^k o    xw   + xxxx   xx  x  xxxxxx^x  wxm  wxbxxx"     x  x^  .
.      x|       xxm      xxx=== ===        ===xxxx   xx= x  xxxxxx     xxxm w xxw" === x  w   .
. ===  x        xxx mo   xxxvvv vvv           xxxx   xx    =xxw xw      xxxm  xx " m          .
.   o kx        xxx xb   xox||| w|wm   <|<    xxxx   xx     xxo x         xxm  x   x  =x=x==k .
.   > =x  ==    xxx x    xowk      xx         wxxx   wx=    xk= w <     v  xxx     xm  xmx=== .
.      x        xxx x     x        xx          wxx    xm    xb    |   +    xxx>   vxx mxwx    .
.     mx            x     xk       xx           xx    xx    x     |   x=    xxxxxx xxmww      .
.     xxmm      /   x     x|                    xx    xx == x    m|   x       xxxx^xxxm  x=== .
.     xxww  ====xx  wk     k   o   v            xw    xx    x    |  m x   k   <xxxxxxxx  x    .
.  ===xx >      xxm==kxxxxxk|[= =x=m=xx=m======       xx   kx    |  |>  ^kk    x    wxx  xm   .
.>   v w^>     bw<x  kxxxxwkm    x w xxmwmk  m        xxv <= === | "|   <|k    x     wx  xx   m
.b   |mxxkxx==== xx  o o okkxm ^ m ><xxx xx  x        wx^xxxx    | "|    |k    w      x  wxm  x
.   mwwxxw       xx  o o o kxx o x  xxxx xx  xxxx==    xxx xxmxxx  "| k  |k=kkk  o    x   xxm x
. ==|= x     x   xx  x xmx kxxm  x  xxxx   ==xxxw      xx  xxxxxw  "| | <|k kkk o|k|k xx  xxxmx
.  |k|      |x  xxx mx xxkmkxxx  x  wxxx     xx         x =x   w   "| | k|k |kk |k|   xxx xxxxx
.  |k|    || xk     xx  >|xkxxx     k   v    xw            x   k   "| k k|k k|k |k|   xwx xxxwx
. |kk| m= v v k     xv  xxxk|xx mxxxkxxx     x      x          |  <"| x k|k=kk| |k| kkw x  xx w
.kxx x||  <>< <     x   wxxk |x|xxxxkxxx xxxmw     xx       /  k ^| | x k|k kkk |k| kk  xx xw .
== wxxxxxmxx^xxxxxxxwxxx=  =  |xwx wk  w^w xx      xx=====xxxxxxx |  xx>k|k ==k |k| ==    >   v
.   wxxxxw w=wxxxxxw xx      >      > < =          xx     wxxxxxx|   xxxk|k   = |k|k||k       .
.    xxxx=    wxxw   wx      tx     =             xxw      xxxxxxx|| xxxxx|||||m|k|k|k|       .
.    xxxx             w      xx                 ===x       xxxxxxxxx^xxxxx|^^^x|xk|k|k|       <
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'Livio' said:
You know, I was thinking of getting an internship at Microsoft, but I'm not sure I want their lameness to rub off on me.
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Sunday, October 9 2016, 12:23 am EST
The Shepherd

Age: 23
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Never beat the upper left section. I got to that part where the boulder falls onto the platform with the metal crate and the boulder you have to push off. It doesn't seem impossible, but I'm just making a lot of stupid deaths so I'm stopping for the night.

If you're talking about the last trap, you're not actually supposed to push that boulder; you're just supposed to run across the top platform. I made an edit so it's more clear.

The top right treasure can be cheated. After the highlighted dynamite is destroyed you can just fall right and get the treasure.

Thanks for pointing that out, it's fixed now
aych bee
[?] Karma: 0 | Quote - Link
Sunday, October 9 2016, 5:54 pm EST
when i am king

Age: 104
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Location: you will be first against the wall
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could someone test this tiny part of my (hatic) level to see if it's cheatable, thanks. this would be my first (real, non-joke) cave in six years

international cruise: all expenses paid
terrain 3
background 1
water clear
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  xxxxx xx

man i remember how on the old ig we'd get tons of dubloons for posting level codes

[?] Karma: 0 | Quote - Link
Thursday, October 13 2016, 3:42 am EST

Age: 24
Karma: 51
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Frankly speaking, I don't know what to do.
P.S. I didn't know it was a HATIC level.

It's good to be back.
aych bee
[?] Karma: 0 | Quote - Link
Thursday, October 13 2016, 7:44 pm EST
when i am king

Age: 104
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Location: you will be first against the wall
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now you know how i feel when i play literally any cave
anyway the "goal" is to get armin to south america (for now)

[?] Karma: 0 | Quote - Link
Thursday, October 13 2016, 10:28 pm EST
Resident Goody two-shoes

Karma: 72
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A neat little puzzle. There's a frustratingly large amount of floating spikes and the area on the islands above is a little annoying, but as far as I know I'm not cheating and I enjoyed it


Interguild discord!! People use it!!
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Tuesday, October 18 2016, 9:27 pm EST

Age: 29
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Location: Ohio (US)
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Uploaded on rocktheuploader
terrain 1
background 1
water clear
xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|x xxxxxxxxxv<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<x
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I'm almost positive it's possible. I beat the final room from a checkpoint, and from the beginning I've gotten to the last room and died a stupid death. Would test more, but I'm encountering a lot of stupid deaths. Still trying to work out the gem, I might remove it all together if I can't get it working well. Some people will request for timing adjustments which I am open to.

COMING SOON: A giant meteor. Please.
Give me +karma. Give me +karma.
[?] Karma: 0 | Quote - Link
Wednesday, October 19 2016, 3:44 pm EST

Age: 29
Karma: 747
Posts: 5367
Location: Ohio (US)
pm | email
After a few tweaks today, I've beaten it with and without the gem. Below is the updated code which I've also uploaded to rocktheuploader. I completely understand that people are busy, but I am not exactly a patient person, so I might just officially upload it as is if I don't get any feedback soon. If someone does decide to test it, I would not focus on the gem. Getting it makes the level more difficult than without it and I'm okay with it staying that way. I'm more interested in thoughts on the difficulty without the gem.
terrain 1
background 1
water clear
xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|x xxxxxxxxxv<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<x
xx  x^xxxxx  +  xx    xx     xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxvx     xxxxx>>>>>>>>>>>>>vxxxx
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COMING SOON: A giant meteor. Please.
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Wednesday, October 19 2016, 10:01 pm EST

Karma: 450
Posts: 4466
Gender: Male
Location: 1945
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I'm really confused at the tutorial arrow section

'Livio' said:
You know, I was thinking of getting an internship at Microsoft, but I'm not sure I want their lameness to rub off on me.
[?] Karma: 0 | Quote - Link
Wednesday, October 19 2016, 10:09 pm EST

Age: 29
Karma: 747
Posts: 5367
Location: Ohio (US)
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Lol, guess I posted the level too soon. I was actually just about to edit in a comment regarding that area into my post on the level's page. I had a feeling if there was any part of the cave that would give people trouble, it'd be that part. It's kind of difficult to give guidance without completely giving away the solution, so for now I'll just say it may not be obvious, but it's a YAYA logo

A YAYA logo




COMING SOON: A giant meteor. Please.
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